Best Open Ocean SUP
Best Open Ocean SUP

Remember that finding the top inflatable SUP path for the ocean is different for each person.

Depending on the type of water you want, certain board features will attract different people: surfable waves, flat or choppy flat.

It is vital to keep these differences in mind while performing your research.

Features Best Open Ocean SUP

Table of Contents

Surfing is one of the most iconic sports in the world, and for a good reason. It’s easy to get into, requires little equipment, and can be enjoyed by people of all ages.

But did you know that open ocean suping—racing across the open ocean on a standup paddleboard—is one of the fastest-growing sports in the world?

The appeal is obvious: You can go where you want when you want, and there’s no need for expensive equipment.

SUP is one of the most affordable sports out there. If you’re interested in giving open ocean suping a try, read our top five tips on getting started.


The more pointed the nose, the less surface place. These are called displacement hulls and move the water away from your board as you glide through.

This is best for increased maneuverability, speed, and less stability and drag.

We advise displacement hulls for the choppy open ocean.

Rocker line

The rocker line is something lots of surf Supers may not even know about.

It is one of the most vital and overlooked factors in picking the top inflatable board for waves.

The rocker line influences the agility and speed of the paddleboard.

Generally, the flatter the board is, the quicker it will go. We advise this kind for those racing and moving in relatively flat water.

Later, we will review an iSUP that fits this criterion rightly: the Pexmor inflatable standup paddleboard.

Read Next – Ocean Paddle Board: Which Type Of SUP Is Best For Paddling


The rails’ design can tell you a lot about what kind of water the standup was created for.

You can top-identify the fence by looking at the standing place of the board. Is it boxy and thick?

Is it tapered and thin? Somewhere in between? This can determine a lot of essential things.

The thinner the rail, the better you can manage yourself on the surf.

It raises performance and maneuverability while reducing volume and speed.

If surfing on a standup paddleboard attracts you, go with this type of rail.

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What is an Open Ocean SUP?

Open ocean SUPs are the perfect way to explore stunning coastal waters and breathtaking islands without having to deal with crowds.

They’re stable, fun, and versatile enough for any beginner or seasoned surfer. Some of the best open ocean SUPs for surfing include the Olukon and North Shore SUPs from Kiteboarding Planet and the SURFBOARD Shredder from Roxy.

There are a few things to consider when choosing an open-ocean SUP. The size is essential—you want a board that can comfortably accommodate your height and weight.

The shape is also essential—you want a stable board in both waves and windy conditions. And lastly, you’ll need to ensure your SUP can handle rough water.

Once you have your ducks in a row, it’s time to find some fantastic open ocean spots. Try surf spots like Mavericks or Todos Santos in Mexico, Playa del Carmen in Mexico, La Jolla Cove in California, Pipeline in Hawaii, or Nazca Lines in Peru.

With so many great locations to choose from, there’s no limit to what you can experience on an open-ocean SUP!

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How do Open Ocean SUPs work?

Open ocean SUPs work by utilizing the buoyancy of the water to stay afloat. They typically have a lightweight frame and a waterproof cover that attaches to the edge.

The rider sits on the water’s surface, using the paddle to move through it. Open ocean SUPs are relatively easy to use and can be enjoyed by beginners and more experienced riders.

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What are the different types of SUPs?

There are three main types of SUPs: inflatable kayaks, rigid-hulled kayaks, and paddleboards.

Each has unique advantages and disadvantages that should be considered before making a purchase.

Inflatable Kayaks

An inflatable kayak is the most accessible type to carry around and store, but they’re not as stable as rigid-hulled boats or paddleboards. They’re also the least efficient when it comes to moving through the water, making them best for flat open water or sheltered rivers and lakes.

Rigid-Hulled Kayaks

A rigid-hulled kayak is the most stable type of boat and can handle rougher waters than inflatable kayaks or paddleboards.

They’re heavier than inflatable kayaks and take longer to get into and out of the water, but they offer greater efficiency when paddling. Rigid-hulled boats are more expensive than inflatable kayaks or paddleboards, but they provide greater versatility and performance.


A paddleboard is the most versatile type of SUP and offers the best performance in moving through water. They’re accessible to transport and store but require some athleticism to use effectively.

Because paddleboards are so lightweight and unstable, they don’t work well on choppy waters or near other objects in the water.

Pros and Cons of Open Ocean SUPs

Open ocean SUPs are a great way to see the world without worrying about the weather.

They’re versatile and can be used for various activities, from touring coastal towns to exploring offshore islands. However, they come with some trade-offs.

The biggest pro of open ocean SUPs is that they’re easy to use. All you need is a board, paddle, and some courage (or windy conditions). Boarding and disembarking can also be done quickly and easily, making them great for travelers who want to get out but don’t have much time.

However, open ocean SUPs aren’t for everyone. They’re not as stable as other forms of water transportation, so it’s essential to use caution when riding them.

And since open ocean SUPs are less sheltered from wind and sun than other boats, they can be more challenging on your skin and hair if you’re prone to sunburn or premature aging.

Which Open Ocean SUP is best for you?

The best Open Ocean SUP depends on your experience, preferences, and budget.

There are many great options to choose from, so it’s essential to do your research before making a purchase.

If you’re a beginner, we recommend choosing an inflatable SUP that’s easy to learn. These boards are typically lightweight and have forgiving handles, so you can start paddling immediately without feeling overwhelmed.

We recommend choosing a more robust board with more substantial construction and stability in rougher water for intermediate and advanced paddlers.

These boards can handle longer trips and provide complete immersion in the ocean environment.

Finally, if you have a large budget or want the absolute best Open Ocean SUP available, we recommend opting for a custom-built board. These boards are designed specifically for ocean use and can be tailored to your individual needs and preferences.

They’re also the most expensive option, but they’re worth it if you want the perfect vehicle for exploring the sea.

Roc Inflatable Stand Up Paddle Boards W Free Premium SUP Accessories

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MaxKare Inflatable Stand Up Paddle Board SUP Paddle Board with Premium SUP Accessories & Waterproof Portable Bag Non-Slip Deck Youth & Adult Standing Boat in River Ocean and Lake

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FEATH-R-LITE Inflatable 10'×30"×6" Ultra-Light (16.7lbs) SUP for All Skill Levels Everything Included with Stand Up Paddle Board, Adj Paddle, Pump, ISUP Travel Backpack, Leash, Waterproof Bag

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Can I use a SUP on the ocean?

While SUPs are great for rivers and lakes, they’re not ideal for ocean paddling. For one, the waves are much harsher on a SUP than on a traditional kayak or canoe.

Additionally, because of the open ocean environment, SUPs can quickly become damaged if not used with caution.

However, there are a few places where SUPs can be safely used in the ocean. Utilizing a SUP on a beach is an excellent option if you want to paddle in calm waters or nearshore areas.

And if you’re feeling adventurous, consider exploring some of the more remote stretches of coastline where surfers often take their boards out to sea.

How far out to sea can you paddleboard?

The furthest out to sea you can paddleboard depends on the type of SUP you are using. The farthest distance for a Standup Paddleboard (SUP) is about 12 miles.

A Surfboard can go as far as 18 miles out to sea. For a Kite Board, the furthest distance out to sea is about 30 miles.

Does salt water damage SUP?

The short answer is that salt water damages SUPs, but the extent and severity of the damage depend on various factors.

For example, how often is the SUP used, what size and type of SUP it is, how heavily it is used, and how much salt water it is exposed to.

Saltwater can corrode aluminum frames and plastic covers on boards, reduce their buoyancy, and cause them to become unstable in the water.

It can also cause rust on metal screws and fittings and degradation of foam padding. In extreme cases, salt water can cause Boardsports International’s (BHI) patent-pending X-Boat hull protection system to fail.

While salt water can damage SUPs in salty environments where corrosion is an issue, BHI recommends using corrosive-resistant materials for your decking and construction to minimize potential damage.

Additionally, use proper maintenance procedures to keep your board in good condition: regularly clean all surfaces with a harsh cleaning agent like BleachBit; dry everything thoroughly; apply a coating of lithium grease or wax every few months; store in a dry place; avoid exposing your board to direct sunlight or high humidity levels; never fill up the air chambers with gas or air when you’re not using your board.

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How do you SUP in the ocean?

If you’re looking for an exhilarating way to spend a day on the water, SUPing is the way.

With boards that can accommodate just about any size or shape of the body, SUPing in open ocean waters is a great way to see plenty of wildlife and stunning scenery. Here are a few tips for Sup-ing in the ocean:

  • Choose the Right Board: When choosing your SUP board, make sure it’s well-sized and fit for your body. Panels that are too big or too small can be challenging to handle and dangerous if you fall off. Plus, smaller boards are often better suited for WAIs (waves averaging less than two feet), while larger panels can handle more giant waves and provide more stability when paddling.
  • Please get familiar with the Lingo: Before hitting the water, it’s essential to get acquainted with the terminology used when SUPing. Terms like “grab” and “push” mean different things on a surfboard versus when boarding a SUP boat – so be sure to know what they mean before getting into the ocean!
  • Gear Up Properly: When packing your SUP gear, bring sunscreen, sunglasses, hats, snacks, and drinks – and enough supplies for short and long trips out on the water. Of course, always pack an emergency floatation device (life jacket) in case of an unexpectedly bumpy ride!

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When should you not paddleboard in the sea?

Paddling in the ocean can be a great way to enjoy the sea and its beauty, but it is essential to be aware of certain things when swimming in open water.

Paddleboarding can be dangerous if done incorrectly, so it is essential to follow some guidelines when using this sport.

When conditions are windy or choppy, paddleboarding can be risky because it makes it difficult to control your board.

If winds are too strong or waves are too big, you may be carried away by the waves or wind and unable to get back onto your board. In these conditions, safety first is critical, so stay close to shore and use caution when venturing out into the open sea.

Additionally, if you have health or heart issues, please do not paddleboard in the open ocean. This sport can be dangerous if you are not careful and have no medical insurance in an emergency.

Additionally, several reported cases of people getting injured while paddleboarding who did not know about the risks involved.

If you decide to paddleboard in open water, please ensure that you are up-to-date on safety precautions and have basic medical coverage in case something happens.

Roc Inflatable Stand Up Paddle Boards W Free Premium SUP Accessories

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MaxKare Inflatable Stand Up Paddle Board SUP Paddle Board with Premium SUP Accessories & Waterproof Portable Bag Non-Slip Deck Youth & Adult Standing Boat in River Ocean and Lake

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FEATH-R-LITE Inflatable 10'×30"×6" Ultra-Light (16.7lbs) SUP for All Skill Levels Everything Included with Stand Up Paddle Board, Adj Paddle, Pump, ISUP Travel Backpack, Leash, Waterproof Bag

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Read Next – Guide to Buying Your First Stand-Up Paddleboard

How do you get SUP in deep water?

To paddle out to a good SUP spot, you need a few things: an open ocean paddling location, a SUP board, and some SUP gear.

Finding the right SUP spot can be tricky – it’s essential to find a location that offers both sound waves and plenty of shallow water for docking.

Deep water paddling is best done in longboard-sized waves at least 2 meters (6.6 feet) high.

Here are some tips for getting out on the water with SUP:

  • Make sure your SUP is correctly prepared before hitting the surf. Check the condition of your board, inflation levels, and NRS Safety Harness.
  • Pick a good surfing location – look for waves that exceed two meters in height and have plenty of shallow water to dock in. Find a spot where there isn’t too much wind or current stirring up the waves.
  • Get familiar with your SUP before hitting the waves – practice paddling into and out of the shallows until you feel comfortable navigating on your own.
  • Bring some snacks and drinks, sunscreen, hats, sunglasses, and SPF 50+ sunblock if you spend more than an hour on the water.

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If you’re looking for an exhilarating experience, look no further than SUPboarding – and the best open ocean SUP is just what you need.

From shallow coastal waters to stunning stretches of coastline, there’s a SUPboarder-friendly destination near you waiting to be explored.

Take your pick from our wide range of boards and find the perfect one for your next adventure. Ready to hit the waves?

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Five most common first-timer mistakes for Stand Up Paddleboarding

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Roc Inflatable Stand Up Paddle Boards W Free Premium SUP Accessories

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MaxKare Inflatable Stand Up Paddle Board SUP Paddle Board with Premium SUP Accessories & Waterproof Portable Bag Non-Slip Deck Youth & Adult Standing Boat in River Ocean and Lake

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FEATH-R-LITE Inflatable 10'×30"×6" Ultra-Light (16.7lbs) SUP for All Skill Levels Everything Included with Stand Up Paddle Board, Adj Paddle, Pump, ISUP Travel Backpack, Leash, Waterproof Bag

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MaxKare Sup Inflatable Stand Up Paddle Board with 10'30''6'' Premium Paddleboard & Bi-Directional Pump & Backpack Portable for Youth Adult Have Fun in River, Oceans and Lakes

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FunWater Inflatable 10'6×33"×6" Ultra-Light (17.6lbs) SUP for All Skill Levels Everything Included with Stand Up Paddle Board, Adj Floating Paddles, Pump, ISUP Travel Backpack, Leash,Waterproof Bag,

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Bluefin SUP Stand Up Inflatable Paddle Board with Kayak Conversion Kit | Ultimate iSUP Kayak Bundle (10’8”, 12’0” and 15'0") (Carbon 12')

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TAHE 10'6 Beach Performer Tough-Tec SUP Paddleboard, Blue (106830)

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FBSPORT 10'6'' Premium Stand Up Paddle Board, Yoga Board with Durable SUP Accessories & Carry Bag | Wide Stance, Surf Control, Non-Slip Deck, Leash, Paddle and Pump for Youth & Adult

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SereneLife Inflatable Stand Up Paddle Board (6 Inches Thick) with Premium Accessories & CarryBag | Wide Stance, Bottom Fin for Paddling, Surf Control, Non-Slip Deck

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FEATH-R-LITE Inflatable Stand Up Paddle Board 10'5''x33''x6'' Ultra-Light (18.9lbs) ISUP with Paddleboard Accessories,Fins,Adjustable Paddle, Pump,Backpack, Leash, Waterproof Phone Bag

$209.99  in stock
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Tom Leithner
Hi, I'm Tom Leithner, a SUP Paddle Board expert and enthusiast. With years of experience and a passion for all things SUP, I'm excited to share my knowledge and tips on the website As a dedicated paddler, I have had the privilege of receiving several prizes and rewards for my expertise in the field. My journey with SUP began with a deep appreciation for the serene beauty of the water and the sense of freedom it provides. Over the years, I have honed my skills and explored various SUP techniques and gear, allowing me to offer valuable insights and advice to fellow enthusiasts. Through this website, I aim to provide comprehensive guidance on choosing the right SUP board, essential gear, and techniques to optimize your paddleboarding experience. Whether you're a beginner looking to get started or a seasoned paddler seeking new challenges, my goal is to equip you with the knowledge and resources you need to make the most of your SUP adventures. I believe in the power of sharing experiences and fostering a strong SUP community. Join me on this exciting journey as we dive into the world of SUP and discover new destinations, techniques, and gear together. Let's make every paddleboarding experience unforgettable. Stay tuned for regular updates and fresh content, as I continue to explore, learn, and share my passion for SUP on Together, let's make waves and elevate our paddleboarding adventures to new heights.